Jane Kunda, Gambia

Jane Kunda is a place in the region of Central River in Gambia. Find all facts and information about Jane Kunda.

Facts and figures on Jane Kunda at a glance

Name: Jane Kunda (Jane Kunda)
Status: Place
Region name (Level 1): Central River
Country: Gambia
Continent: Africa

Jane Kunda is located in the region of Central River. Central River's capital Janjanbureh (Janjanbureh) is approximately 65 km / 40 mi away from Jane Kunda (as the crow flies). The distance from Jane Kunda to Gambia's capital Banjul (Banjul) is approximately 138 km / 86 mi (as the crow flies).

Maybe also interesting: Distances from Jane Kunda to the largest places in Gambia.

Facts and figures about Jane Kunda
Jane Kunda Jane KundaPlace-Central River Central River

Map of Jane Kunda

Map of Jane Kunda, Gambia / View larger map of Jane Kunda

Hotels in Jane Kunda

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Information on Jane Kunda

Information on Jane Kunda
Place nameRegion name Level 1CountryContinent
Jane Kunda Jane KundaCentral River Central RiverGambiaAfrica

Time in Jane Kunda

Time in Jane Kunda
Current timeSummer time (DST)Standard timeCurrent timezone offsetTimezone
Sat, 4 May 2024 - 11:06am (11:06h)NoSat, 4 May 2024 - 11:06am (11:06h)UTCAfrica/Banjul

Geographic coordinates of Jane Kunda

Latitude & Longitude of Jane Kunda
PositionLatitude (width)Longitude (length)
Show on map13°43'00.0"N (13.7166700°)15°19'60.0"W (-15.3333300°)

Distances from Jane Kunda

Distances from Jane Kunda
To equator (0° lat)To prime meridian (0° lon)To the largest places
1,519 km north of the equator1,658 km west of the prime meridianDistances from Jane Kunda

Places around Jane Kunda

26 places found within 5 km around Jane Kunda. You can expand the radius of your search: 10 km15 km
Places in the regional area of Jane Kunda
Jakau-ur Jakau-ur-1.6 km 1.0 mishow
Missera Amadou Badjan Missera Amadou Badjan-1.8 km 1.1 mishow
Jamwilli Jamwilli-1.8 km 1.1 mishow
Njoben Samba Narr Bah Njoben Samba Narr Bah451.8 km 1.1 mishow
Ker Maila Ker Maila-1.9 km 1.2 mishow
Nema Nema-1.9 km 1.2 mishow
Simbara Ker Chaindu Simbara Ker Chaindu-1.9 km 1.2 mishow
Simbara Ker Mafaal Simbara Ker Mafaal-1.9 km 1.2 mishow
Simbara Madi Sisi Simbara Madi Sisi-1.9 km 1.2 mishow
Kau-ur Kau-ur-1.9 km 1.2 mishow
Turi Kunda Turi Kunda-1.9 km 1.2 mishow
Simbara Kai Simbara Kai-2.6 km 1.6 mishow
Simbara Ngor Simbara Ngor-2.6 km 1.6 mishow
Simbara Sinchu Manjai Simbara Sinchu Manjai-2.6 km 1.6 mishow
Ker Alpha Sana Ker Alpha Sana-2.6 km 1.6 mishow
Jakau-ur Sinchu Jakau-ur Sinchu-2.6 km 1.6 mishow
Ker Kossa Ker Kossa-3.6 km 2.2 mishow
Manjaharr Manjaharr-3.6 km 2.2 mishow
Marsai Marsai-3.6 km 2.2 mishow
Mbaien Mbaien-3.6 km 2.2 mishow
Pimak Pimak-3.7 km 2.3 mishow
Simbara Tukulor Simbara Tukulor203.7 km 2.3 mishow
Ker Demba Gabu Ker Demba Gabu-4.1 km 2.5 mishow
Buduck Maila Secka Buduck Maila Secka-4.1 km 2.5 mishow
Jahawur Mandinka Jahawur Mandinka-4.1 km 2.5 mishow
Jahawur Tukulor Jahawur Tukulor-4.1 km 2.5 mishow

Airports around Jane Kunda

No airports found within 15 km around Jane Kunda. You can expand the radius of your search: 50 km100 km

External sources of information on Jane Kunda

Jane Kunda on Wikipedia